Apply to be an Orientation Leader

Are you passionate about the U, and looking for a way to make a positive impact? Join our team and apply to be an Orientation Leader (OL)!

The OL position is a unique leadership opportunity for current students to officially welcome new students to the University of Utah. OLs are hired to ease the transition of incoming first-year students, transfer students, and their families as they transition to the U. OLs also serve as a resource for our new community members by providing honest and current information about any and all aspects of the U.

The most rewarding part of being an OL is having the opportunity to meet new students and help guide them in finding their place at the University of Utah. Take advantage of your chance to do the same by joining our team!


Thank you for your interest in joining the Office of Orientation & Transition in welcoming the University of Utah's newest students and families.

The application for 2024 Orientation Leader has closed. See you soon for the 2025 Orientation Leader application!

reflecting on my time as an orientation leader

Sam Aamodt

"Being an Orientation Leader was the best experience I ever could have gotten involved with. I made countless connections with students, campus partners, and other OLs. The amount of friends and memories I walked away with are priceless and I wouldn't trade this experience for anything!"

Brenda Garcia

"Being an Orientation Leader allowed me to step out of my comfort zone in ways I never imaged. During my OL summer I grew professionally and personally more than ever while gaining friendships that will last forever!"

Brandon Georgian

"I had a great summer being an Orientation Leader. I made memories and connections that will last me into the school year and I made even better friends. I was able to learn information that would not only better my campus experience, but better the experience of incoming students as well."

Anna Henderson

"Being an Orientation Leader gave me some of the most genuine friendships I will ever have, and I know they will be my forever friends. I made the best memories and truly had the summer of a lifetime."

Amani Oumar

"I truly had the best summer of my life as an Orientation Leader. Between the people I met, and the connections I made with different offices and groups on campus, I wouldn't have traded it for the world."

Zach Marks

"I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to be an Orientation Leader this summer. I had so much fun and I made so many memories, but it was also extremely rewarding to help incoming students have a smooth transition into college.”

If you have questions about any aspect of our Orientation Leader application/hiring process,
please contact us at or (801) 581-7069

The Office of Orientation & Transition

155 South 1452 East, Suite 350
Salt Lake City, UT 84112