CACI No. 3931. Mitigation of Damages (Property Damage)

Judicial Council of California Civil Jury Instructions (2024 edition)


3931 . Mitigation of Damages (Property Damage)

If you decide [ name of defendant ] is responsible for the original harm,

[ name of plaintiff ] is not entitled to recover damages for harm to [his/her/

nonbinary pr onoun ] property that [ name of defendant ] pr oves [ name of

plaintiff ] could have avoided with reasonable e f forts or expenditur es.

Y ou should consider the r easonableness of [ name of plaintiff ]’ s ef forts in

light of the circumstances facing [him/her/ nonbinary pr onoun ] at the time,

including [his/her/ nonbinary pr onoun ] ability to make the ef forts or

expenditures without undue risk or hardship.

If [ name of plaintiff ] made reasonable e f forts to avoid harm, then your

award should include reasonable amounts that [he/she/ nonbinary

pr onoun ] spent for this purpose.

New September 2003

Sources and Authority

• “It has been the policy of the courts to promote the mitigation of damages. The

doctrine applies in tort, wilful as well as negligent. A plaintif f cannot be

compensated for damages which he could have avoided by reasonable ef fort or

expenditures.” ( Gr een v . Smith (1968) 261 Cal.App.2d 392, 396 [67 Cal.Rptr .

796], internal citations omitted.)

• “The frequent statement of the principle in the terms of a ‘duty’ imposed on the

injured party has been criticized on the theory that a breach of the ‘duty’ does

not give rise to a correlative right of action. It is perhaps more accurate to say

that the wrongdoer is not required to compensate the injured party for damages

which are avoidable by reasonable ef fort on the latter ’ s part.” ( Green, supra, 261

Cal.App.2d at p. 396, internal citations omitted.)

• “The reasonableness of the ef forts of the injured party must be judged in the

light of the situation confronting him at the time the loss was threatened and not

by the judgment of hindsight. The fact that reasonable measures other than the

one taken would have avoided damage is not, in and of itself, proof of the fact

that the one taken, though unsuccessful, was unreasonable. ‘If a choice of two

reasonable courses presents itself, the person whose wrong forced the choice

cannot complain that one rather than the other is chosen.’ The standard by which

the reasonableness of the injured party’ s efforts is to be measured is not as high

as the standard required in other areas of law . It is suf f icient if he acts

reasonably and with due diligence, in good faith.” ( Gr een, supra, 261

Cal.App.2d at pp. 396-397, internal citations omitted.)

• “A plaintif f who suf fers damage as a result of either a breach of contract or a

tort has a duty to take reasonable steps to mitigate those damages and will not


be able to recover for any losses which could have been thus avoided. Here the

jury determined that 25 percent of the ‘property damage to the house’ could have

been avoided. That damage was measured by the cost of repair , i.e., $130,000.

The court was obligated to give ef fect to the jury’ s finding and reduce this aspect

of the award to $97,500.” ( Shaffer v . Debbas (1993) 17 Cal.App.4th 33, 41 [21

Cal.Rptr .2d 110], internal citations omitted.)

• “A plaintif f has a duty to mitigate damages and cannot recover losses it could

have avoided through reasonable ef forts. Thrifty-T el’ s only response is that

mitigation does not ‘ “require a complex series of doubtful acts and

expenditures.” ’ Picking up the telephone to reach out and touch the Bezeneks or

sending them a letter was complex, doubtful, or expensive? Based on Myron

Bezenek’ s unchallenged testimony , we must presume that simple expedient

would have averted the second hacking episode. Accordingly , Thrifty-T el is not

entitled to recover damages for the February 1992 event.” ( Thrifty-T el, Inc. v .

Bezenek (1996) 46 Cal.App.4th 1559, 1568-1569 [54 Cal.Rptr .2d 468], internal

citations omitted.)

• “Contributory negligence was closely allied and easily confused with the rule of

mitigation of damages, on which the jury was also instructed. Both doctrines

involved the plaintif f’ s duty to act reasonably . Contributory negligence was

concerned with the plaintif f’ s negligence before being injured, while the

mitigation rule was concerned with a lack of due care after the injury . The e ffect

of contributory negligence was to bar all recovery by the plaintif f. In contrast, a

plaintif f’ s failure to mitigate barred recovery of only the portion of damages

which could have been avoided by ordinary care after the injury .” ( LeMons v .

Regents of University of California (1978) 21 Cal.3d 869, 874-875 [148

Cal.Rptr . 355, 582 P .2d 946], internal citations omitted.)

• “ ‘The rule of [mitigation of damages] comes into play after a legal wrong has

occurred, but while some damages may still be averted . . . .’ ” ( Pool v . City of

Oakland (1986) 42 Cal.3d 1051, 1066 [232 Cal.Rptr . 528, 728 P .2d 1 163],

internal citations omitted.)

• “Generally , ‘[a] person injured by the wrongful act of another is bound . . . to

exercise reasonable care and diligence to avoid loss or minimize the resulting

damages and cannot recover for losses which might have been prevented by

reasonable ef forts and expenditures on his part.’ The burden of proving facts in

mitigation of damages rests upon the defendant.” ( Hunter v . Croysdill (1959) 169

Cal.App.2d 307, 318 [337 P .2d 174], internal citations omitted.)

• “One who contributes to damage cannot escape liability because the

proportionate contribution may not be accurately measured. It is incumbent upon

the party alleging injury to prove the amount of damages. Respondent sustained

that burden in this case. If the damages proven could be reduced proportionately ,

that burden rested upon appellant.” ( Oakland v . Pacific Gas & Electric Co.

(1941) 47 Cal.App.2d 444, 450 [1 18 P .2d 328], internal citations omitted.)

• Restatement Second of T orts section 918 provides:



(1) Except as stated in Subsection (2), one injured by the tort of

another is not entitled to recover damages for any harm that he could

have avoided by the use of reasonable ef fort or expenditure after the

commission of the tort.

(2) One is not prevented from recovering damages for a particular

harm resulting from a tort if the tortfeasor intended the harm or was

aware of it and was recklessly disregardful of it, unless the injured

person with knowledge of the danger of the harm intentionally or

heedlessly failed to protect his own interests.

Secondary Sources

6 W itkin, Summary of California Law (1 1th ed. 2017) T orts, §§ 1798-1801

California T ort Damages (Cont.Ed.Bar) Restrictions on Recovery , §§ 15.22-15.23

4 Levy et al., California T orts, Ch. 53, Mitigation and Collateral Source Rule ,

§§ 53.01-53.04 (Matthew Bender)

15 California Forms of Pleading and Practice, Ch. 177, Damages (Matthew Bender)

6 California Points and Authorities, Ch. 64, Damages: T ort (Matthew Bender)

California Civil Practice: T orts §§ 6:1-6:6 (Thomson Reuters)


Page last reviewed May 2024

Rodger Citron

In this second of a two-part series of columns, Professor Citron argues that Roberts re-established his control over the Court by successfully weakening the administrative state and expanding presidential immunity while simultaneously avoiding controversial decisions on gun rights and reproductive issues, ultimately demonstrating his ability to push a conservative agenda without incurring significant political backlash.

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