Important details for test center coordinators.
Requirements for a testing location
The technical coordinator installs and configures testing system software, and helps the test coordinator set up computers for testing. The person in this role must be available on test day to assist and troubleshoot any technical issues that may arise.
He or she is responsible for the tasks listed below:
The test coordinator leads the test-day team to ensure examinees at your center test under the same conditions as examinees at every other center. The test coordinator may serve at only one center and must be on file at ACT. He or she has overall responsibility for coordinating test site operations, including storing materials and setting up test rooms. The test coordinator provides the continuity and administrative uniformity necessary to ensure that the examinees are tested under standardized and secure conditions.
He or she is responsible for the tasks listed below:
For a complete list of detailed instructions reference:
Resources listed below for Test Coordinators:
If you have questions, you may contact us via:
Phone: 319.337.1510