A Lazy Commander's Guide: Why the heck should I work for Zermina Torval?

Preramble :
At first glance Zemina Torval seems almost identical in function to Edmund Mahon. They give the same Rank 2 and Rank 5 benefits to their Pledges, they both have faaction equipment with cool concepts and limited usefulness, and they both heavily impact tradable goods in their sectors. Whats the difference You ask? Z. Torval, as a member of the Empire, offers a lot more protected space (in the form of the other 3 Imperial factions) to trade in; as well as incredible financial synergy with those other powers. She also makes Imperial Ships available at ALL of her shipyards - Nice! The drawback? While Edmund's followers can frag anyone they want for Merits in undermining; (The Alliance is Politically hostile to EVERYBODY. ) Zemina's followers have to 'Play Nice' with 3 of the other 9 factions; limiting Her undermining targets - Which is bad for the combat oriented player. Another oddity is that while Zemina is the 'mining Magnate'; it is less profitable for Miners to operate insider Her borders due to reduced market prices on minerals at most of her Controlled/Exploited systems.'. Why follow Zemina?

Slavery and Precious Metals with Zemina Torval .
Ask Yourself the following questions:
1. Do You want to be a Civillian Miner or Trader?
2. Do You want to make as much as 170% profit on rare goods?
3. Do You want to make up to +20% of the value of mined goods?
4. Do You want to be a Slaver, and make top credit on your ill gotten gains?
5. Do You want to be a part of a Power that focuses on Transport and Trade to Prepare, Expand, and Control?
6. Are You loyal to The Empire,but don't really want to fight for it's glory when You can get rich instead?
. If You said Yes to any/all of the above, Vote Torval!

What Zemina Torva;l does for You whether You serve Her or not :
Tab over to the STATS tab on Zemina Torval's (ZT's) screen to see what she offers freely to everyone. In Exploited systems the effects of Her patronage creates an environment where You can make an amazing profit on Mined materials (Metals and Minerals) and Slaves (Particularly Imperial Slaves - Remember: These are Indentured Servants, not Chattel like ordinary Slaves: They signed up for this!). These benefits are great for any Trader whose Political Power doesn't reward Trade.

Imperial Slavery is Legalized, and Imperial Slaves cost 10% less.
-Buy Imperial Slaves at Control Systems, and sell them at Imperial (Exploited) Systems for best profit!
-Best of all: It's perfectly legal. You don't have top worry about being scanned by the Police in these systems even if You have 500t of Imperial slaves on board!
-You can also buy them here, and smuggle them into other powers' Black Markets for a huge boost to illegal profits! Woohoo.
Imperial Ships are available at all Shipyards.
-This is awesome if You need that Clipper or Courier stat!
Double Production and Consumption of Mined Materials.
10% Reduction in Price of Mined Materials

-In Combination these two mean that you should purchase mined materials from Extraction and Refinery systems in ZT's space, and then either sell them at Imperial (exploited) Industrial or High Tech worlds, or take them to sell at like worlds in another Power's space for max profit.
-This also means that Miners pledged to ZT SHOULD NOT sell their goods in Her Control Systems.

EMPIRE (Exploited):
Production and Consumption of Imperial Slaves is Doubled.
-Sell Imperial Slaves here if You want a short Trade route with a good chance of a HIGH demand.
-Miners and Traders can also safely sell their goods at Imperial (Exploited) Industrial or High Tech worlds.
-Both of these stack nicely with the Rank 2 Profit Voucher!

5% reduced Price in Mined Materials due to Market Flooding
-Miners pledged to ZT SHOULD NOT sell their goods in Her these exploited Systems;
-though this can be useful for a short trade route between a Empire (Expoited) system and one of these; which stacks nicely with the Rank 2 Profit Voucher!

Ranks 1 through 5 with Zemina Torval :
Get the full scoop on Powerplay Ranks 1 - 5 here:
https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showth. nder+powerplay

Rank 1:
I said this in the main guide - Rank I with any Power is worst than having no Rank at all because all that You have really gained is enemies. best to get to Rank 2 ASAP.

Rank 2:
Zemina offers You a 5% Voucher redeemable at the same Control or Exploited systems that You recieve them at for the value of all Profits.
-This is great for Traders,
-and even better for Miners becasue their entire hold is full of Pure Profit!
-1st/2nd/3rd place = 20%/15%/10% bonus to these Vouchers, should ZT's follower make the effort to get Her there.
-Maintaining Rank 2 is very easy. 54 Merits/week will do it!

Rank 3:
This, and 4 weeks of service, grant access to the Mining Lance; and it only takes 400 Merits/Week to maintain.

-I really love the concept behind the Mining Lance, as the idea being able to use my Mining Mounts for combat is very appealing. Hovever the reviews do not seem to favor it at all.

. and a concept-in-action Video courtesy of Captain Kirk from our very own Forum!


-Example: Here is a cute idea: a super-inexpensive Mining hauler, using the Lance to for utility and for defense.
http://coriolis.io/outfit/hauler/12D2D2D1D1D1D2Cml000202023s1h.Iw19A===.Aw19A===?bn=Cheap Miner

This inexpensive (less that 400k!) Mining Rig can take advantage of Mining Missions from High tech/Refinery systems to prospect for Painite, Platinum, and Osmium and turn over a profit in the 100k - 400k credits/mission; meaning that the tiny 16 ton hold isn't a huge drawback; and it can theoretically aid in it's own defense if attacked by pirates. theoretically.

Rank 4:
Rank 4 with Zemina is as good as Rank 4 with anyone else. You can stay here comfortably by earning 800 merits/month and reap great benefits.

It's a long, hard grind to Rank 5, but getting it and maintaining it gain You a flat +50% bonus to profit on Rare Goods in controlled/exploited systems
-Which is calculated BEFORE the 5% - 20% bonus voucher from rank 2,
-meaning that every RARE trading route that You take pays (Base Profit x 1.5) + ((Base Profit x 1.5) x [.05, .10, .15, or .20])
-A total of 157.5% - 180% bonus Profit from Rares (depending on EM's galactic standing).
-It is thus well worth making those pesky Fortification runs every week.

Zemina doesn't directly reward the combat oriented player; but if You do go into battle to support Her political cause, You will be Undermining :
Undermining (vs. Federation, Alliance, and Independents):
Undermining gives You 30 Merits per kill, and again every CMDR that participates in the kill gets it, making this a great way to Quickly gain Merits for You, and to undermine your enemies.
You want to make them hurt bad enough that they either have to shift their efforts towards trying to defend themselves, or to Fortification; and not towards undermining You and opposing your expansion efforts.

Undermining (Imperial):
If You blow the cargo hatch on Political Ships belonging to these factions, You will get 5 Merits per unit of PCA Cargo that You steal; meaning if You return to a control system with 50 units of Stolen PCAs, You get 250 merits for them! Do not destroy the political ships if they belong to other Imperial factions, You will LOSE merits! it will win You nothing, and You will get a bounty on your head.

Opposing Expansion:
Killing ships in a 'Crime Sweep', 'Military Strike', 'Violent Protest' or other Political Conflict Zone (PCZ) opposes the expansion phases of other Powers, and grants the CMDR 10 merits/ship. When several commanders concentrate on the same ship: the Merit points are not split, each pilot gets his own 10 merit points. This will quickly gain points towards Opposing the expansion effort. While Political Conflict Zones are easy in that there are plenty of targets, these are harder ships to take down than your run of the mill ship you see while undermining.
-Special Note: If You are playing in Solo, the P-CZ's belonging to other factions will not be visible to You. If You choose to do this You will very likely be faceing PvP: You have been warned.

Summary :
For a Trader, particularly those that trade in Rare Goods, She is a fantastic Patron; and legitimizes the Slave Trade, which is good for Smugglers. Trading in minerals is profitable in Her space if your trade route ends in an Imperial (Exploited) system, or inside another Power's space. This also applies to miners. The Mining lance is of questionable worth in it's current incarnation, though it's nice to be able to use the Mining Lasers to fight in a pinch. Imperial Ships are easy to come by, which is nice.
If You a Fighter, You will be best served by Undermining Her opponents for your merits; as She has no Military Expansion CZs. Find other Loyalists here: https://www.reddit.com/r/elitetorval

Happy Mining and Slaving,
Kaze Out.